Wednesday, October 31, 2012


As I am sure you can see, it's been a while.

Why is that you ask? Simply because I started this blog out of angst and a sense of misfortune and lately I simply have not been feeling that way. Life has been treating me well.

For one, I am dating someone. His name is Garrett (Instagram: @garrettcervett) and he is simply the bestest. I didn't think I would be able to find someone who is able to put up with all of my crazy but it turns out I just needed someone who was just as crazy as I am. Shocking.

With that I move into the point of this post: I am re-vamping. Everything. Prepare for a change in the blog as well as the new social media platforms I am beginning to utilize. Let's list some of these here:


Instagram: @bettencourt11

I will be adding more as they come about. Feel free to check me out there though.

That's all for now. Check back soon for updates.

Goodbye loves.

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